Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Kelly Ripa Diet/Exercise Plan

Okay, so today I saw this and was simultaneously disgusted (with myself) and inspired (that woman is 38, has 3 kids and a full time job!).

SO, I decided to see if I could find out her secret and thanks to the internet it came right up! Since the Seaport River Run is over (Goal Attained!) I'm going to start on my new goal: The Kelly Ripa Diet/Exercise Plan.

The Diet

-Eat smaller portions more often.

-Salad and small sandwich for lunch (turkey or B.L.T. w/turkey bacon)

-Snack would be a piece of fruit

-Dinner is salad, fresh vegetables, and a smaller piece of fish or steak.

The Exercise

Kelly Ripa’s Workout She uses a resistance tube with handles, a medicine ball, a pair of 3- to 5-pound dumbbells, a stability ball, and a jump rope. The first exercise of her workout is described below.

Squat and rotation row – works butt, legs, back, and biceps. Anchor a handled resistance tube to a sturdy object close to the ground and grasp one handle with left hand, arm straight, and rotate arm clockwise until palm faces out. Lower into a deep squat, feet shoulder-width apart, knees aligned over toes, right hand resting on hip. Rise up and rotate arm inward until palm faces up, as you pull handle toward ribs. Return to starting position and repeat Do 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each side.

Kelly Ripa’s 20-minute cardio Rx Alternate jumping rope with 30 seconds of jumping jacks. Start with 20 jump rope revolutions and increase by 20 after each round of jacks until you reach 100. Then reduce by 20 until you’re back down to 20. Repeat twice.

And here's the rest of it:


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mar's Week 1 Progress:

Just want you to see my progress...The week is not over, and I have to work out today and tomorrow, but I'll be posting my workout progress weekly so that I will truly be accountable to you for my actions (or inaction).

Friday, March 27, 2009

Becky & Marianne, you are awsome motivators. Mom
Am I here?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mar's Plan

Ok, ok...I will join in the fun!

I found an 8-week workout that I am going to follow. That is my goal. If anyone is interested, here is a link to the article I'm taking it from:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rebecca Goal #1

Okay, so I'll go first!

Goal: Complete the Lewiston Seaport River Run (6.2 miles)
Date: April 25, 2009